At Red2Black Bookkeeping Consulting, we provide you with the following value-add on all of our services. We want to ensure that all of our clients will receive peace of mind and no surprises.

- Option for a fixed, monthly fee; no billing surprises
- We provide our own office facilities, at no cost
- We provide all SAGE licenses, at no cost
- We provide our own computers, office supplies, and internet
- Envelopes, postage and storage binders are paid for by Red2Black
- No employee benefits or withholdings are applicable for Red2Black
- Red2Black corrects any bookkeeping errors it makes at no cost to you
- You remain the owner of all your data at all times and I will keep it confidential
- All your data is backed up off-site every day and available to you at any time
- Your data will be returned to you at any time, for any reason, upon request
- You may cancel your agreement with Red2Black at any time, for any reason